Monday, February 22, 2016

Spaniah-American War

      This political cartoon is about the Spanish-American War which was the U.S victory in the war. The message of this cartoon is the U.S gain Philippines, Puerto Rico, Cuba, and Guam as part of their territory. The main event that led U.S to declaring the war against Spain was U.S.S. Maine. The yellow journalism, the style of journalism that exaggerates and sensationalizes the news, exaggerated the U.S.S Maine explodes that caused by Spain and many American soldiers died. As a results, the U.S victory in the Spanish-American War led the expansion of its territory. The other opinion that another person could have on this issue is the declaration of war of U.S against the Spain was on purpose to expand its territory. The Uncle Sam’s greedy face and witch hands show the U.S desired to expand their territory. The cartoonist used exaggeration that Uncle Sam is bigger than everything that represent the U.S. power on the Spanish-American war. For instance, the cartoonist also used the labeling that United States, Cuba, and Philippines which were the major countries in the Spanish-American war that leads to the U.S. victory. This cartoon support my pro-imperialism on America. Philippines, Puerto Rico, Cuba, and Guam become part of the U.S. territory.

<"Wikipedia Foundation." Wikipedia N.P. 18 February 2016>

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